Bush can't get in and out of NO with disrupting vital works
kid a
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Mon Sep-05-05 09:47 AM
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Bush can't get in and out of NO with disrupting vital works |
Stay holed up in the WH playing your Xbox war games. Save us some money and let your entourage of SS have a week off
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Mon Sep-05-05 09:55 AM
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1. The photo op is the most important thing. |
No matter that he's disrupting vital works. No matter that it costs a bloody fortune to stage one of these asinine events. No matter that he could be of more use in Washington, actually getting business done. He has to act like he has the "caring thing" down. Just as soon as I think he can't sink any lower, he astounds me again and again. WORST PRESIDENT EVER.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 06:34 PM
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