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Great article from pittsburg-posy Gazette: Blasting monkey-king!

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liberalitch Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-05-05 10:22 AM
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Great article from pittsburg-posy Gazette: Blasting monkey-king!
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blue sky at night Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-05-05 10:35 AM
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1. I didn't want anyone to miss this...
so I am posting the first few paragraphs, this is truly Great!

Published on Sunday, September 4, 2005 by the Pittsburg Post-Gazette
The President from Mars
by Dennis Roddy

As New Orleans took on the atmospherics of a John Carpenter movie, George W. Bush, a man reluctant to distinguish between desperation and lawlessness, much less make the connection between the two, proved at last he is his father's son.

Thirteen years earlier George Bush the Elder saw a black population mired in poverty and alienation riot after a California jury blithely acquitted the posse of Los Angeles cops who beat Rodney King half to death. His response was to deliver an indignant speech about law and order, proving only that he was blind to the nuances of plain justice.

Last week, with the poor stranded on rooftops, then huddled, hungry and abandoned inside a leaking stadium and a sweltering convention center, George the Lesser watched in seeming amazement when they ran riot. First came looting born of hunger and thirst when a federal government adept at moving armies to a foreign desert for a fraudulent war proved incapable of shipping food and medicine across state lines for a flooded city.

By week's end gunshots and rapine broke loose. Enraged and unfed victims, many too poor to reach the high ground available to wealthier New Orleans suburbanites, turned on their keepers. That is all they had -- keepers. Only someone who shows up with nourishment and medicine can be called a savior, and the saviors of the Department of Homeland Security seemed oblivious to the depth of the plight in the Delta. A reporter for National Public Radio, the administration's designated Voice of Satan, could not convince Homeland Security Director Michael Chertoff, the man responsible for knowing such things, that the Convention Center was a place of starvation, with human bodies discarded in open view.

Bush the Younger? He made a statement decrying all looting, drawing no distinction between hooligans who grabbed televisions for which there was no electricity and frantic parents swiping bread from broken store windows after the fashion of Jean Valjean. Informed that gasoline had spiked to $3 a gallon, Bush, who returned home from a one-month vacation aboard a 747 jumbo jet that also transports his armored limousine, told people not to purchase gasoline unless they needed it. In a country in which mobility had just been shown to be the difference between life and death, Bush's answer was to tell people not to buy what they inevitably will need.

The facile idiocy did not stop at an executive branch run by a man congenitally unable to comprehend the plight of anyone living below six figures.

For the good of our Nation the bottom line is now: Bu$H Mu$T GO!

Paste this message everywhere (especially on gaspumps), on telephone poles, inside the window on your car, yell it from the rooftops!
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Bellamia Donating Member (671 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-05-05 11:40 AM
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2. Recommended
Thanks for making sure I wouldn't "miss it." Bushshit sure has!!!!
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