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Why We're All at "White Heat" this Week.

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mcscajun Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-05-05 10:24 AM
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Why We're All at "White Heat" this Week.
Just in this year alone, with the Bankruptcy Bill, the Schiavo case, the nominations for Supreme Court, and the disaster that is post-Katrina, we're now seeing the full effects of what we feared all along since November 2004 -- an Administration with no one to answer to, full control of all three branches of government, and no concern AT ALL for the people of this country.

In the days after November 2nd, 2004, we cried, we screamed, we swore; we moaned, groaned, bitched, and fretted...because we KNEW things were going to be bad, THIS Bad. What's happening now is awful, but unfortunately NOT Unexpected. We just can't believe that now it's JUST as BAD as we KNEW it would be. For all our complaining, we prayed deep down inside that we were wrong. We Weren't.

It's God-Awful...AND...It's Not Over.

Taking down the entire Administration is damned near impossible. We'd have to impeach all of the various officials individually, and I'm not really sure we could have multiple impeachment trials concurrently; it's never been contemplated, to my knowledge. I'm not sure you can even impeach people appointed, like Cabinet officials; we can't start a recall vote for the President. There's only two constitutional ways to remove a sitting President: one is impeachment, the other is revolution. The first is nearly impossible in the present political environment, and the second is highly unlikely, given the 'bread and circuses' social environment we currently live in.

Anyone think we have a snowball's chance in Hell of coming out of this resembling anything like the America we once knew?
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msongs Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-05-05 10:33 AM
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1. perhaps we could create an oppositon party that would oppose?
like in Britain for example, with a shadow goverment. even tho we do not have a parliamentary system (can you imagine bush having to stand at the well and defend himself EVERY day??), we could at least have an opposition party that had stated views and principles and acted on those stated views and principles.

when the repubs create and push their talking points, we could have our own talking points created and pushed.

when bushco stages events and press conferences, we could stage our own events and press conferences.

when bush wants national mourning for ONE white republican, we could call for national mourning for hundreds if not thousands of white AND non white people.

and so on.

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ToolTex Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-05-05 10:33 AM
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2. To the Hague with them.
Edited on Mon Sep-05-05 10:39 AM by ToolTex
*, Rove, and company are murderers and should be tried in The Hague. Won't happen, of course. No way to vote them out. Demonstrations will not stop the thieves and murderers in Washington, and like has been discussed here, it is just going to get far worse as they continue to garner more power.

Maybe we the people, (of the entire world), should collect money and set up funds to pay bounty hunters to citizen-arrest these criminals anywhere they show up, and smuggle them to The Hague for trial. Arrest them on sight anywhere in the world.

We the people have no chance to remove the US administration by our rigged elections, they have the money and the fire-power. All the armies in the world together can't equal their guns. They rule the world, it is now simply impossible to remove them by usual means.

We could set up an international fund for each criminal that would pay on their handcuffed delivery in the Hague, for the rest of each criminals life. Each fund should be separate so that anyone can contribute to his criminal of choice. The worst will have the largest amounts on their heads. If a criminal dies before his fund pays out, (as Pol Pot's would have), then that fund would be proportioned into the other funds. What a democratic and fair method of law enforcement and justice.

I suggest that if they were not certain beyond any doubt that they have a method to hold power indefinitely, they would never have passed laws such as the criminally named Patriot Act, and obviously planning to remove the filibuster, and thus any opposition counter balance.

Some here have argued that Americans have traditions that will keep our democracy alive. The citizens would never allow the executive to flaunt and ignore our laws. That troops would never fire on citizens. All rat dreams. The traditions that are necessary are those followed by those in power, not the citizens. The citizens are out-gunned. Kent State proved that the Guard will fire on our students, and those of us listening to the scanners in the last 48 hours, have heard the victims in New Orleans inadvertently referred to as "insurgents!" And for the tradition as a free people; the people of Bavaria had a tradition as free men dating back before their days fighting Caesar, but their democracy installed Hitler, and supported him until they could not remove him. Remember, the NAZIs only held power for about 13 years, and * has been in power for five now. Another five and we well may be gassing gays, blacks and Muslims.

*, Rove, and company have shown that they are not constrained by Law, fairness, tradition, or morality.
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wli Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-05-05 10:47 AM
Response to Reply #2
3. This is my assessment also. n/t
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Syncronaut Seven Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-05-05 11:06 AM
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4. The America we once knew never existed, However........
The rest of the planets citizens have been working on various solutions for years. Yes Virginia, civilization DOES exist outside our borders.

What if we undertook a study of the best solutions devised by THE OTHER 97.5% of humanity and incorporated them in to our own society.

Oh sorry, we'de have to admit we're not gods and leave our hubris at the door. Nevermind.
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