Sometimes we can forget what happened only a few days ago when so much has happened in the meantime, so I like to go back over reports from before an event to refresh my memory of what went on. Hindsight may be 20/20 but sometimes it can also be misleading.
What sent me on this little excursion was the thread about the buses not being used to evacuate NO. I wanted to see what exactly was happening around the time of the evacuation order.
Firstly what I found was not the best for ANY of the parties involved. For example:
So it seems the Mayor suspected it was going to be bad - real bad - but he doesnt seem to have made any effort to evacuate those who couldn't leave themselves, although I have to wonder, even if they had planned ahead, whether an evacuation of that size could even be possible with the 24 hours or so notice they had.
Then I came to this quote:
This raises another issue that has not really been discussed - even if some of these people WERE able to evacuate themselves, WHERE would they go? None of the articles I have seen mentions evacuation centres OUTSIDE New Orleans having been set up BEFORE the storm. Mayor Nagin had no power to do anything about that. What about Governor Blanco? Should she hae done more to have places for people to go? Possibly. But the whole state was a target where could she be sure to send people where they would be safe?
So what I have found is that UNAVOIDABLE mistakes may have been made by the people of New Orleans (some truly didnt leave not because they couldn't but becuase they really didn't believe something REALLY bad was going to happen.), the Mayor or New Orleans (more effort to help those that couldn't help themselves may have saved a few lives), and the Governor of Lousiana (more help relocating evacuees may have saved some lives).
But there is one area where mistakes were made that are seemingly senseless:
So Brown said BEFORE the storm that FEMA was already in place ready to go after the storm hit. So WHY did it take so long for them to actually GO????
Everything I have read says that FEMA and the Federal government were ready, prepared to rush in to help those who had become victims of the storm. Yet they didn't. Nothing I have read suggests any earthly reason why they didn't. It is senseless ESPECIALLY as Brown was making proclamations of being ready.
If I had found quotes from Brown saying "we are rushing to get prepared" or words to that effect, I could perhaps understand if they had not gotten prepared in time, but he is saying "we are ready" he is saying "The federal Government is here to help as soon as you need it" but it didn't.
I truly don't believe even incompetence could explain that. If they WERE ready, how do you ACCIDENTALLY not go and help? If they WEREN'T ready how do you ACCIDENTALLY say you are? The ONLY possible explanations are they werent ready and LIED, or they WERE ready, and STOOD DOWN.
Either way the effect is the same - people died when MANY could have been saved - no matter what mistakes they made BEFORE the event.