The Federal Government blames the local government in response to the local government blaming the Feds. Yup, nothing more than politics as usual -- partisan bickering with plenty of "blame" to go around on both "sides." So long as we are playing the Blame Game, we might as well weigh in with the "arguments" for our guys and against their guys.That is the mind set that Karl Rove is hoping to establish this week. If he can salvage a "tie" in the food fight wars, eventually the topic will die its own death and the damage to Bush's standing will be repaired.
Let's just take a pause and a deep breath, to consider this spectacle.
The mayor of New Orleans and the President of Jefferson Parish have just seen their personal lives all but destroyed in a preview of the End of the World. Hundreds of their constituents are known to be dead, probably thousands. Their home towns are unihabitable -- they won't be able to go to the store to buy a loaf of bread for weeks or months. Life will never be the same for them, their families, their friends, their business associates, their churches, their communities. They are in a living hell.
What is the first thing that occurs to them? Why partisan politics, of course! Why bureaucratic ass covering, of course!
The governor of Louisiana has just seen the principal urban center in her state destroyed. Several hundred thousand people will have no home, no job and no prospects. Grief demands its respect, but she really has no time for it -- fast action is the difference between life and death.
What is the first thing that occurs to her? Why how to score partisan political points against the President of the United States, of course!
Before you get to a single "fact" in this "story" -- the text of this letter to Bush or that regulation allocating decion-making authority or whatever timeline for getting water, food, fuel and transportation equipment in place to relieve the suffering -- you have to consider the picture that Rove and his nationwide army of Lying Hacks will be trying to paint of the local leadership in Louisiana.
It makes exactly as much sense as the idea that the Federal Government gave medals to John Kerry in spite of the "fact" that he did not earn them.
It makes exactly as much sense as every other one of the Big Lies that these vermin use to stay in power.
The most important thing is to remember that they do not care if people really believe the lies. The lies are the text for the Shout Down that smothers all attempts to apply democratic accountability.
For them, they have power and they make the decisions. Politics is the show that goes on that makes people assume that our constitutional government is still working. They shout their stupid lies and, after a while, they announce that they won.
And then they tell you to get over it.
Yes, Karl Rove and his sock puppet are pure evil.
I call this the Second Civil War -- check it out if you like: