A control center will be set up tomorrow
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Mon Sep-05-05 06:24 PM
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A control center will be set up tomorrow |
on Anderson Cooper, now.
That's 8 days and they are setting up a common command centre???
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Mon Sep-05-05 06:25 PM
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1. But the good news is that it's James Witt doing the set up... |
I think it's great that they've had to bring in Clinton's man to show Brown how he's supposed to do his job.
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Mon Sep-05-05 06:29 PM
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But command and control is axiomatic. It should be #1.
This response makes the US government look like Boy Scouts, no that's an insult to Boy Scouts, at least they have a motto "Be Prepared".
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Mon Sep-05-05 06:28 PM
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Mon Sep-05-05 06:30 PM
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former, (ie Clinton era) FEMA director.
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Mon Sep-05-05 06:30 PM
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5. James Lee Witt, Chertoff will next be resigning. n/t |
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Mon Sep-05-05 07:14 PM
Response to Reply #5 |
8. Oh good, that's a relief |
So BushCo is getting pushed aside. I hope they don't try to pull anything else before we're through.
Good thing Clinton has got Poppy all tied up. LOL. Poppy can't play his games as well with Clinton hanging around all the time.
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Mon Sep-05-05 06:40 PM
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6. Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow. Tomorrow never comes. Excuses, |
excuses, excuses. Nothing but excuses. Photo ops and speechifying that's all they know how to do. The incompetence is overwhelming. This should have been done three days BEFORE katrina arrived. I think my head just exploded......
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Mon Sep-05-05 06:45 PM
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7. A truce is at hand between Blanco and Bush |
I'm betting that we won't be hearing any more Blanco bashing from the Bush folks.
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Mon Sep-05-05 07:16 PM
Response to Reply #7 |
9. I think it's time for Bush & Co to take another long vacation |
Maybe to the Cayman Islands. I hear they've put a lot of money there. Maybe a big hurricane will come and wipe them out?
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Mon Sep-05-05 07:17 PM
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10. set up tomorrow? witt clarified, by the end of tomorrow n/t |
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 05:47 PM
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