Something about this disaster that recharged my memory. We were told that 9/11 and no WMD's were because the CIA, the FBI, and our government agencies were such losers that they couldn't find a toilet in an outhouse. Amazing, then, that we ever have been able to survive all this time without enemy armies marching down our main streets, don't you think?? And now the blame game is in full spin again with Rove and company trying to blame the govenors and the mayor of New Orleans, etc. It's a convenient game because government employees have to swallow the bullet if they want their jobs and/or politicians can be bribed/threatened, etc. The bottom line is that this group of thugs is so busy with their corporate/wealthy cronies trying to pillage this country that they provide no monies and no government leadership (because the government is an institution of the people)and then when crap happens, have the built in scapegoat to hang it all on. These kings are not providing protection for their fifedom. And the surfs are excusing the kings. Something has to give.