Get rid of the idea thata certain way to be, a certain social status a symbolic one up, means a person is a better person.Get rid of ALL social rank when it concerns preople who are NOT authoritarian,narcissistic or sociopathic..
Get rid of the idea that fatness equals unworthy,of compassion that poor or homeless equals unworthy,of compassion that disabled equals unworthy,of compassion that not "making it"by your own bootstraps equals unworthy,of compassion that the wrong consenting sexual orientation equals unworthy,of compassion That the wrong skin tone equals unworthy,of compassion that being different than the"mainstream equals unworthy,of compassion that being angry equals unworthy,of compassion Expressing your feelings equals unworthy,of compassion
being vunerable equals unworthy,of compassion being in pain equals unworthy,of compassion needing attention equals unworthy,of compassion wanting acceptance equals unworthy,of compassion not being"attractive" equals unworthy,of compassion Not being the Achiever equals unworthy,of compassion Not having ambition equals unworthy,of compassion Not wanting what everyone else says you should want equals unworthy,of compassion.... Not being popular equals unworthy,of compassion Feeling alone in the world and afraid equals unworthy,of compassion Not having answers equals unworthy,of compassion Not being a hero equals unworthy,of compassion
As far as I can tell who is not worthy of compassion are people that refuse to HAVE compassion and do not care about others.