Edited on Mon Sep-05-05 08:42 PM by Wizard777
That’s is why it's called a state of emergency and not called just another sunny day. In a cataclysm the paradigm shifts from Status Quo to survival. The norm is the first thing to be destroyed. Do you think they got the tag numbers of everyone driving out of NOLA on the inbound lanes? Sheer lawlessness that was. Maybe the missing officers are tracking them down and writing them tickets while a mass murder is in progress? It's called selective enforcement. The Survival efforts in NOLA is the least of anyones concerns. The purpose of Law and Order is not to legislate and enforce harm and death upon the people. Sure it's a great way for the elected to make the people serve them. But our Constitution demands that the elected lead the efforts to serve the people. The purpose of Law and order is to provide for and preserve the peace. When any Government gets their ducks out of a row. The greatest Individual in history is made to be the greatest criminal of the day. But when the veil of comfussion is lifted. It is revealed that this great and dangerous criminal is more than a man. He is an individual that the world would adore. The greatest of Hero's.
What we as Americans need to be concerned with most of all is rampant lawlessness in Washington DC. We have stood as Silent Witness to a One President two term international crime spree that has just come home to roost. George Bush is a Genocidal Meglomanical War Criminal that this old world has seen several times before. This Beast of a man has no conscience for shame to occupy. So it we who must bare that shame. For standing by silently as he ever so methodically advanced his evil agenda. Very much in the same way Adolph Hitler had Jews shipping Jews off to Concentration Camps. Until the better part of the work was done. Then it was there time to go too. George Bush has done exactly what Genocidal Meglomanical War Criminal do! He has destroyed Peace, Happiness, Prosperity, and un tolled life in the world. When will we quit chasing this dragon to satisfy it's sick and twisted delusion of leadership?