Edited on Tue Sep-06-05 02:06 AM by linazelle
BUSH Goddamnit.
BUSH wears the title of POTUS--allegedly the most powerful leader in the free world. BUSH took an oath is to serve, protect and defend the citizens of this country. Yet:
BUSH went on vacation once again and left the country unattended.
(On a side note: By now, BUSH'S vacations should be synonomous with disaster. Next year when BUSH announces his vacation, run for your very lives! Anybody remember when BUSH went last year and threatened to take the U. S. Marshalls off all planes while futures markets were tuning up to place bets on terror attacks--or was that the year before?)
Not only did BUSH go on vacation, Condi went shoe buying in NYC, Dick Cheney went estate buying and BUSH'S entire PR staff went to Greece for a wedding. Obviously BUSH had no backup plan for America's citizens when BUSH hung a "closed" sign on the White House doors.
BUSH returned from vacation knowing a storm was brewing but he was not worried because the storm was not headed for his brother's back yard. Fuck everybody else.
BUSH lied about the levee project. He said it was unpredictable even though massive evidence to the contrary has surfaced.
BUSH said he didn't know about the damage from Katrina until..what? Tuesday but BUSH issued a proclamation declaring a state of emergency on what? Saturday?
BUSH lied to the "local" officials. He promised help but did not send it until he arrived and only then for photo ops. Isn't it funny (not) how BUSH wants to take credit for rescuing everybody but no blame?
BUSH used NOLA as a political opportunity. He staged fake pictures with non-US citizens who were dark skinned to make it appear that he was talking to black people.
BUSH used the tragedy in NOLA to push through the Republican agenda while his media cronies asked the citizens not to politicize the tragedy in NOLA. BUSH used America's horror at his negligence for further take advantage. BUSH sneakily pushed through posse comatatus; hired Halliburton; repealed gasoline laws and started a SCOTUS nomination process while the dead lay unburied in Lake Ponchatrain.
Speaking of SCOTUS, BUSH ordered flags at half staff for one white man, while thousands of dead bodies awaiting decent burials lay in attics and floodwaters and the streets of NOLA.
BUSH sent in the US military to NOLA and then bullied them in front of cameras for yet another photo op hollering the lowest level of soldiers to point their weapons DOWN!! Woooo. Tough guy reliving the military career he never had.
BUSH hides behind the coattails of his momma, daddy, Rush Limpballs, Pickles, the FEMA guy, Bill O'Lielly, Wolf Pricker, et al--while they blame "feds", "local" gov't., "the administration". They never name BUSH when there are negatives. Yet the only one who's responsible for the greatest disaster in modern American history--is none other than....B. U. S. H.