Bill Clinton makes the first call for an independent Katrina Commission.
Here's the anticipated timeline based on the independent 9/11 commission history.
First calls for such a commission -- Sept 2005
Repeatedly declared unnecessary, counterproductive by Bush and White House who lobby behind scenes to kill idea -- 2005-2006
Congress holds committee hearings as whitewash to stem calls for independent commission -- six working days, with generous lunch breaks, spring 2006
Independent Commission finally forced by families of the dead -- 2006
Congressional mandate to independent commission excludes any inquiry into something that can be construed as blame at the political appointee level -- 2006
Commission stalled in its requests for information -- 2007-2008
WH and Admin officials balk at testifying -- 2008
Shocking testimony about documents -- 2009
Commission issues report telling us the f-up was even more comprehensive and far reaching than we first thought -- 2010
Conservatives declare commission, report biased and incomplete --Forever and Ever and Ever