Date: 12:00 P.M. Labor Day, September 5, 2005, Boston, MA
Smedley D. Butler Brigade (Chapter 9) of Veterans For Peace has commenced a public information campaign targeting the Boston Globe's refusal to publish weekly Iraq War U.S. casualty figures on the front page as they did during the Vietnam War.
Please visit the newly created web site at www.cancelmyglobe.com and contact the Globe to express your support for weekly front page casualty reporting.
Please give this announcement wide distribution. Bumper stickers are available to support the action. A 'politician watch' is displayed to track local and congressional support. Take action! Wage Peace!
My two cents: For those of you interested in history, I urge you to read the links on Smedley Butler. He was a Patriot who rose to the occasion of his times. I can only pray another Smedley Butler can arise to lead us out of darkness.