She was probably taking notes of what you said, who knows how many people she had already taken calls from, how many messages she had just transcribed from the voice mail? People all over the country (ok, the world) are outraged and America's gonna be calling their reps all day, all week. She's dreading this week at work, because it'll be pissed off people, all day, every day. And whatever she feels, she's gotta be polite; no matter how angry and rude the people on the other end are. Try to remember when calling that the person you're talking to is just another paper pusher earning a paycheck. When I call, I'll be polite to open as in "hi, I would like to leave a message for Senator Dipshit please" then I go into my tirade, then I finish with "and that's all I have to say, I'd appreciate it if you'd pass on my message to Senator Dipshit, please. Thank you for your time". I'm not trying to tell you "what to do" or anything, so please don't take offense. I've gotten pissed off about the same thing myself, til I realized after one call that the woman's voice sounded just like I've sounded before when I had to take a message from someone who was screaming at me for something I didn't do. If you've been in a workplace/job where you've had an unhappy customer/client it gives an insight into that kind of thing. She may have drank the kool-aid herself and be a true believer, but she's just a secretary or something in the office, too, she didn't make the policy decision.
The person I really want to cuss out personally is that useless fucking waste in the WH.