Edited on Tue Sep-06-05 09:06 AM by seabeyond
his business is in a poor neighborhood. part of my neighborhood. it was looted. ahhhhh, cool i say. there is such an abundance of giving i have seen, in a mere four days. there is enough for all.....
let me remind you, this is who dems are. and so many republicans are in spirit dems. dont bash the dems
i wanted to share with all. so we could truly appreciate and value just what we have done in a small period. what we have accomplished in love
my husband owns a business in town. my father owns 7. they are texans, and known. husband put an ad on radio station. went out on local news. a drop center. my fathers business is participating in donation. he is good ole repug. husband use to be. he probably wont ever vote republican again. we left town having put out we would be a drop and take to houston, before people were doing. we werent connected over the weekend. we got into town monday, a woman called our home. she had 8 boxes. a friend from denver really really wants to come down and work it. i contacted uu churches last week, and got connected to local. they started jumping on. and i see my mayor, a woman who has babysat my children, a female, the first for this area, really a dem, but couldnt dare run as one..........grabbing this, taking hurricane victims and placing them all over. organizing big
forget the truck to houston,.....wow what is growing. if you are in this area, go to your local. we will show bush just how much more capable a local govt is than they are.
and the world. the only one not doing is bush and administration
we,.....the people,....... are kicking ass
just an upbeat story. interesting or not. i know it is hard to read. some will like. and, it felt really really good, me telling the story to myself. i am ready to jump in. after three days with in laws, lol.