Bush didn't do his part to move a long-term levee project along
Bush squashed a study that would have looked at how to prepare the levees for a catastrophic hurricane
Bush was on vacation before, during, and after the hurricane hit
Bush's, and the Fed's, slow, incompetent response cost thousands of lives.
Bush does not know how to act during a crisis, both in terms of action and in terms of comforting victims, leading to a lack of confidence in government
HOWEVER...nothing Bush did or did not do could have spared the physical city of New Orleans this year. The hurricane and resulting flood would have happened even if Bush and Army Corps had continued to work on the levees; there simply wasn't time to finish before Katrina.
Don't get me wrong: he is the devil. And he lengthened the amount of time the project would take thereby increasing the risk exposure for New Orleans and its people over time. And as far as I can tell he and his poor appointees cause unnecessary deaths (again).... But for this year, this hurricane, New Orleans, the place, was a goner.