In case no one was paying attention this nation is broke. We don't have money to pass out, we have to borrow money to pass out. If there is to be any rebuilding of the Gulf region it will be financed by the Chinese. Have they agreed to do this yet? Will this dramatic increase in our demand for cash cause an equally dramatic rise in the interest we have to pay to obtain that cash? Of course it will.
Of course there is another option. We can just 'print' the money to hand out. What's a little inflation among friends? Besides, it makes the dollars we pay back to the Chinese cheaper, which of course the Chinese understand and causes them to demand a higher interest rate. Vicious cycle.
I believe it will be October 17th than the new bankruptcy laws take effect. Add them to the increased rates of monthly payments by the credit card companies (announced last month, just ahead of the new bankruptcy laws), joblessness throughout the south, shortages of every building supply imaginable (if you were getting ready to do any repairs or remodeling you're screwed), and three more years of incompetent if not malevolent leadership and its hard to be optimistic about the future of our country.