The local freeper who joined in the Bush v. Gore lawsuit in 2000. Looks like he has lost faith in his fearless leader.
Edited to reduce to 4 paragraphs:
— "George W. Bush will go down in history as America's worst environmental president," wrote Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in a 2003 Rolling Stone magazine piece.
Wrong, Mr. Kennedy. This president will go down as the worst president in a crisis. President Bush has utterly failed the consummate test of a presidency: the ability to defend and protect the nation, against all enemies, foreign and domestic. While certainly not undermining the pain of the 9/11 attacks, Hurricane Katrina has ripped open a horrific view into the utter lack of planning and capability that are obviously the result of five years of George W. Bush's turn in the White House.
While the media ably get their job done in New Orleans, managing for days on end to get reports out showing looting, death and medevac helicopters being fired on by snipers while attempting to land at hospitals, it is clear that a terrorist attack on a major metropolitan area with a weapon of mass destruction could not be met with similar competency from this president.
Our vulnerability with refineries and pipelines, and our inability to rapidly deploy rescue and relief assets, is nothing short of humiliating. Mr. President, "he who hesitates is lost." Get your act together or do the honorable thing and step down to let someone capable of leadership in a crisis get it done now.
Matt Butler/Naples,2071,NPDN_14962_4057341,00.html