I'm only posting this because we Canadians are your neighbours and I think you should know that we are there for you...
I just saw on CNN, Zain Verjee recite a littany of all the countries who are helping or offering to help....AS USUAL, no mention of Canada...CNN refuses to say anything about Canada that will make us look good...but they always make sure to mention something that happens up here that puts us in a bad light! I know it sounds paranoid, but it's true....Besides what HeyHey has reported here, this is what else we have done: We have people down there helping already....The first to go were from British Columbia:
British Columbia's Heavy Urban Search and Rescue team is in Louisiana.
The 45-member team, trained in urban disaster relief, worked in Southeast Asia after the tsunami disaster
Although the emphasis for now will be on basic supplies, as time goes on Canada could consider sending more sophisticated equipment, such as mobile hospitals.
The material is coming from stockpiles maintained by Canadian authorities as part of their own disaster preparedness plans
Red Cross workers have already left for down there also...I don't have a link for them, but I've seen them on TV waving goodbye as they boarded their plane to go south...