Edited on Fri Oct-03-03 06:46 PM by jiacinto
GI Joke, the Great American Zero; GI Joke is There!
He wasn't a solider, and stayed back in the states; Fighting from the TX National Guard, while partying away; And disappearing, yet acts like John McCain, Wesley Clark, Max Cleland, and Chuch Hagel;
GI Joke, the Great American Zero!; GI Joke is There!
He values the troops more than cosmetics, More than his wife puts on his lips, Forcing them to pay for their meals in the hospital, While cutting VA Benefits;
GI Joke, the Great American Zero; GI Joke is There!
He never severed and got out via preferential treatment, yet expects people to worship him as hero, while outing out CIA Agents, Undermining our Country;
GI Joke, the Great American Zero; GI Joke is There!
He leads America into a war on shaky evidence, Overexagerates the theat, Engages in Phot Ops, talks about sacrfices, when he made none back in the day;
GI Joke, the Great American Zero; GI Joke is There!
He stands on the aircraft carrier, waves the flag, uses the troops, While their blood drains into the Iraq sands, Standing up for this country;
GI Joke, the Great American Zero; GI Joke is There!
This came to my mind today.