On Sunday night Iwe all heard the weather expert tell us that New Orleans was gonna fill up like a bathtub....I couldnt leave the tv screen imagining the potential disaster ..and I was frightened....on Monday morning I watched reporters in deadly wind risking their necks to show us the storm but we really had no idea how bad it was all day Monday...we just assumed....but we were worried..and stayed worried as we watched the disaster unfold ..In the meantime, Bush was on vacation, and then went to a fundraiser, ate cake, strummed a guitar..Condi shopped and attended a play, Rumsfeld went to a ball game, Cheney never even came off of his vacation until Saturday...6 full days after Bush had announced a State of emergency and told Fema to get busy...Im guessing that Cheny was fishing in Wyoming....and then to top things off...Fema did everything it could do to impede adequate response to the disaster by their own incompetence and bureaucracy and by stopping average Americans from assisting their fellow countrymen...this is just simple arithmetic...