Sen. Feinstein, say what you will, is the most popular Democrat in California with most voters. The new Field poll, which I personally put most faith in, came out today with the Recall favored 57-39 and Arnold 10-points ahead of Bustamante--36-26 and 16% for McClintock and a huge 22% undecided or favoring another third party candidate.
DiFi has so far said she plans on voting only on the first ballot to keep Gov. Davis, but I think now she must reconsider this especially in view of Arnold's history of mistreating and dehumanizing women.
It appears we have a somewhat better chance of electing Bustamante than keeping Davis. A large undecided vote on the second ballot according to Field includes Democrats (23%), women (26%), Independents (42%), San Francisco Bay residents (26%), Latinos (20%), and African-Americans (36%).
We need the states most popular and prominent female politician to take a strong stand against Arnold and to vigorously endorse Cruz Bustamante. Furthermore in the last days she should do a quick tv commercial doing this (imo).
If you agree please e-mail Senator Feinstein urging her to do this.
Thank you.