Brother Christians - Awake!
How much longer will Christians excuse President Bush's blatantly anti-Christian policies and personal behavior? Is the 'R' which represents his political persuasion reason enough for Christians to cast a blind eye? The fact of the matter is that Bush's policies are virtually identical to that of his predecessor, and yet Bush is showered with praise while Clinton is demonized. Therefore, one may deduce that it is not Bush's neo-conservative agenda nor exemplary leadership, but solely his public profession of faith which has gained him the admiration of the Christian masses.
The irony of the whole ordeal is that Clinton likewise portrayed himself as Christian, but he was despised by most fundamental bible-thumpers. So what is it exactly that makes Bush more believable? After years of research and thought, I believe the answer is that Bush is indeed a religious man; however, what the Christian community as a whole fails to recognize is that Bush's version of Christianity is far from "fundamental."
Mr. Bush also deems himself to be 'compassionate' and 'conservative,' but time and again his actions belie those labels. To those who have ears to hear, Bush's fruit out-wieghs his verbal rhetoric. If you will, please consider:
During his inauguration, Bush put his left hand upon the Holy Bible and took an oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. Yet since being swore-in in 2001, the Constitution has been violated it almost every conceivable manner. From FREE-SPEECH ZONES to WARRANTLESS SEARCHES to the LOSS OF NATIONAL SOVEREIGnty, Bush has systematically dismantled the very document he swore an oath before God to protect.
rest of story at: