FEMA had plans in place for years, plans for ANYTHING that might EVER happen. WHY were those long-laid PLANS not put into effect?
2 reasons: MONEY and LEADERSHIP. Let's address them both, shall we?
MONEY: Before B*sh illegally siezed the Oval Office, FEMA was well funded. Money was spent around the nation to PREVENT potential problems.
Under B*sh, New Orleans lost 70% of the money it needed to maintain the levys that keep the water out. NOT "improvement" money..."Basic Maintainence" money...
And, the New Orleans "Emergency Shelters" lost the money to keep the stocks of food and water they maintained under Clinton... 6 years ago, NO had food and water for a disaster, but B*sh let it SPOIL and didn't replace it!
B*sh took Millions from these programs... While he handed out BILLIONS for his "millionaire-only" tax cuts, and billions more for his "mass-murder by proxy" criminal acts in Iraq.
LEADERSHIP: His ass-kissing $$$contributor who he placed at the HELM of the agency (FEMA) has ZERO experience with Emergency Management.
He has ZERO experience with "emergency" ANYTHING! He has zero "SUCCESSFUL TENURE" at anything!
He spent 9 years "managing" the association for "PURE-BRED ARABIAN HORSE OWNERS"... until the members filed lawsuit to kick him out!!!
Leadership, B*sh-style. .......................................................
PLANS were in place, years ago. "Plans" for dealing with ANY potential disaster, (of which, a hurricane hiting NO was in the top 3) and "plans" to avoid them ahead of time.
B*sh took the $$$ for avoiding them, and gave it to the wealthiest 1% of US citizens.
And then he handed the responsibility for the AFTERMATH to an utterly INCOMPTENT man who couldn't even handle the "job" of making wealthy people take care of horses that cost more than my house.
At least B*SH will have a memorable LEGACY. Unfortunately, that "legacy" will be a photo of BULLDOZERS filling mass graves somewhere near New Orleans[/b