....is the right-wing's "they never asked for troops/never let us know how bad they needed federal help" argument. How motherfucking goddamn stupid do you have to be, Bush apologists, not to be able to identify an unparalleled, brewing natural disaster in the making? The actual hurricane itself, had been forming for a week at least before it slammed the Gulf Coast...and for 48 hours before it hit, EVERYONE knew it was going to be at bare minimum a Cat 3, damn near made landfall as a Cat 5. If, IF, the local and state governments were, as you repukes claim, not on the ball....then why in the FUCK didn't you just take over!! Outta the way people, this is a major natural disaster in the making....the federal government is taking control, charged as we are with protecting the American people!! But none, NONE, of that happened! Instead we got and continue to get a complete abrogation of responsibility from Bush on down the federal food chain. The best we get from Bush is he's 'unsatisfied' and it's 'unacceptable'. I don't know about you George, but I'd use words like that if I was having a bad meal at an expensive restaurant and decided to send back the food!! 'Unsatisfied' and 'unacceptable', in the context you use them George, are outrageously insufficient words. About as outrageously insufficient as your leadership.