want to distance themselves from what is an increasingly lost cause (Bush, PNAC, neocons) and cozy up to the conservative faction gaining strength in the Democratic party (DLC, the Clintons, Biden, etc.). There will be a major push driven by events in both Gulfs (stateside and Iraq) and the MSM to marginalize and eventually expel the Bush faction from power. By then the Bushistas hope that they'll have looted as much as they can so that the issue of holding power will be moot, however. I hope that they can be expropriated in the same way that Bush's grandfather was after WWII, when he was investigated and found to have laundered money for the German Nazi regime at the same time his son was a Navy pilot fighting the Nazis. Talk about snakes eating their young; even their own kin don't get in the way of accumulating wealth. How low can you go, right?
But in the end, it's all about money and power, and the MSM wants both. In order to retain and even improve its stature in society and in relation to other power centers, it does the bidding of the majority of the powerful. So the move away from supporting and apologizing for the Bushistas, which began shortly after his second election under dubious circumstances and gained steam throughout the year because of failures in Iraq and bad economic news, has now become a full canter. Gallop (and Gallup) soon to follow.