It's clear that Karl Rove was on the horn yesterday, screaming two words at all his flacks in the media and his admin. toadies: "Blame Game!"
Sure enough, last night we had a pissed-looking CNN anchor going on about how "
Some People want to play the BLAME GAME" Cut to Poppy & Bar, and poppy starts going off about the BLAME GAME, too.
Not one to miss a talking point, Dubya got in the act, too.
Then Scotty McClellan at the press conference- (to their credit, the reporters CALLED it a "talking point")
http://www.wonkette.com/politics/scott-mcclellan/index.php#wh-briefing-gets-flooded-by-katrina-questiosn-124063So, lets collect all those sightings of the GOP's newest catch phrase, here!