The host of Central China Television's political programme Top Talk told his 100 million strong audience, and 100 or so students and professors in the studio, that he knew the British prime minister liked answering his letters, faxes and emails (slightly bemused smile from said PM).
"And I have another surprise for him," Mr Shui said, suddenly brandishing a large blue placard with a series of numbers on it.
"Do you recognise it?" he asked.
Mr Blair clearly didn't, only spotting it was a phone number.
"It is your fax number in your office at 10 Downing Street," grinned Mr Shui.
The spin doctors' faces were a picture, the prime minister did his best to look surprised (easy) and unperturbed (not quite so easy).
End of excerpt.
Sorry for copying more than four pars - I thought the short pars merited it.