These two issues and nothing else. The way the Preachers, Priests, etc.. were telling it.. A vote for a Democrat is the same as agreeing with homosexuality and Abortion. And if such a person got elected because Ya voted for them.. it's the SAME as if the voter is a homosexual and a murder (abortion).
If your extreamly religus and you truely believe those two items are sins. Sins that will not allow you to go to heaven, this is a big deal. They used "this" to make these people feel that they would be sinning by their vote.
As you can see, it works.
Also, something that DEMOCRATS constantly fail to do. "Keep it simple STUPID."
When Democrats talk about issues, it goes over MOST peoples heads. It's to complicated. The republicans don't DEFEND based upon intellectial report. They keep it simple. They joke and they "poo poo" the issue. And they do it on a level that People can relate and understand. Then they turn it to a topic like ABORTION. Heated and HOT and people don't go back to the other.
So these voters who were TOLD that if they voted for KERRY they were going to HELL, because they would be advocating abortion... Don't realize that by the SAME REASONING.. they are advocating EVERYTHING Bush does. Including the actions of this week.