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Repost by request: IMPORTANT Evacuation documents

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Horse with no Name Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-06-05 08:45 PM
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Repost by request: IMPORTANT Evacuation documents
Edited on Tue Sep-06-05 08:54 PM by Horse with no Name
City Charter of New Orleans

Emergency Guide for Citizens of New Orleans

According to their Emergency Preparedness plan, The City of New Orleans did what he was supposed to do.

During the Recommended Phase of Evacuation:
1. The City of New Orleans Emergency Operating Center (EOC) is staffed for 24-hour operation.
2. Local transportation will be mobilized to assist persons who lack transportation.
3. Bus routes and locations of staging areas for those needing transportation to shelters in or out of the Parish, will be announced via radio and television.
4. Relatives and neighbors should help family and friends who need transportation and other assistance.

Evacuation plan of Louisiana (updated on 5-13-04 and FEMA approved)

From everything I can see, local and state government did their part according to the local and state plans.
If I am NOT mistaken...FEMA has to APPROVE all state and local disaster plans.
Isn't that correct?

edited because something was wrong with links
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chalky Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-06-05 08:46 PM
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1. Grassy-Ass, Horse!
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fortyfeetunder Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-06-05 08:48 PM
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2. Keep this one kicked.
For one, I suspected Nagin and Blanco had their act together, considering the circumstances. This seals the Deal

Thanks Horse with no Name! :hi:

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longship Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-06-05 08:49 PM
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3. Kicked
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chalky Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-06-05 09:01 PM
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4. And kicking again, cause I hate seeing this slip off first page.
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Spazito Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-06-05 09:06 PM
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5. thank you! I tried to recommend the original post but it was too late
I am glad I can give it the 5th rec to get it on the front page.
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Old and In the Way Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-06-05 09:09 PM
Response to Original message
6. They can spin like hell...but the docs have it in black and white.
Edited on Tue Sep-06-05 09:10 PM by Old and In the Way
A failure at top of our federal government.

Here's a post by EVDebs in this thread that's germaine to your OP:

No need to go ad hominem. Bush 'outsourced' FEMA's hurricane planning and evacuation response to Innovative Emergency Management, Inc., a.k.a. IEM. See website and look up the Southeastern Louisiana New Orleans Disaster Plan

IEM Team to Develop Catastrophic Hurricane Disaster Plan for New Orleans & Southeast Louisiana
June 3, 2004

"The IEM team will complete a functional exercise on a catastrophic hurricane strike in Southeast Louisiana and use results to develop a response and recovery plan. A catastrophic event is one that can overwhelm State, local and private capabilities so quickly that communities could be devastated without Federal assistance and multi-agency planning and preparedness."

So, when New Orleans was hit by the Cat 5 levee-breaking Hurrican Katrina, and the FEMA plan paid for with $500K of taxpayer's dollars was supposed to kick into effect...nothing happened. The state and local officials are now being blamed despite being obviously 'overwhelmed' as the Plan describes.

The Disaster Plan is a clear example of typical neoconservative dogmatic outsourcing and privatization AT ALL COSTS. Why, outsourcing has already destroyed so many US jobs in manufacturing and now in 'back office' and IT, it is now literally killing US citizens !

Republicans and their enabler Democratic camp followers will need to investigate this, and soon. Hurricane season has two more months to go.
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Gloria Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-06-05 09:14 PM
Response to Original message
7. Damn, I wish I could locate that page I found days ago, which
was the mayor's plan to evacuate. They had prepared CD's for distibution via churches, etc. It was a "faith-based" system. There were designated pickup points and busses would be driven by volunteers. Apparently, the volunteer network fell apart, understandably.

I have searched all over for my post on this and on the web...if any finds it, please email me!!
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Spazito Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-06-05 09:35 PM
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8. Kick
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Andrushka Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-07-05 02:23 AM
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9. A kick
For the late night crew.
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