in the following article:"Not for decades has there been such merciless questioning of the president and his administration by the US media." :thumbsup:
Still, all day yesterday I heard the news reporting that "there's plenty of blame to go around" We know that isn't true.
Please start refuting that with these facts: And to a thank you to CNN, but I heard no mention of this timeline on CNN cable yesterday. Perhaps broadcasters can start using it on air? It is possible I missed it. It seems we should be hearing this truthful timeline at least as often as we're hearing the "plenty of blame" meme, which is only an opinion with no facts to back it up.
I heard folks saying we need to have investigations months from now.
But like the Bush response to Katrina, that will be too little, too late and will just serve to allow the government pattern of failure to continue on unchallenged.