What is the purpose of dispersing the entire population of New Orleans to so many states - after forcing that population from their homes, whether they want to go or not?
Well, here's one theory, presented here half-seriously, half not:
What IS the City of New Orleans if not its people, who invest their money, time and souls into making the place unique? Without them, New Orleans is simply a piece of real estate. After Katrina, New Orleans is little more than a whole lot of property that must be condemned and razed - but it is property that still has a certain value.
But the people who own it - or who have invested in it - are no longer there. They have been dispersed to the four winds and many, if not most, will have to make new homes where they are. Being scattered as they are, they are not organized - as they might be if they were in one place. They cannot form a "city in exile" to speak with one voice about what will happen to their homes; whether they will be valued properly, whether they can return and under what conditions, etc. Some folks might even suggest that they have DELIBERATELY been dispersed this way so that they might not speak with one voice. Being in different states means they no longer have access to their elected representatives at both the local, state and federal levels. Decisions will be made about their homes and property by those officials - but they, the people most affected by those decisions, will be represented by new people.
Why not move all the evacuees into one or several locations that are geographically close, allowing them a chance to create a "city in exile" where they can communicate with one another, decide their destiny as they used to, etc.? Well, it may have a lot to do with that property that is about to be condemned.
New Orleans is a tourist mecca, but it is - or was - "owned" by the poor people who lived there. Its potential to be an entertainment center, on the order of Las Vegas, has been limited by the fact that so much of the real estate (it is a confined space, like Manhattan)is owned by a black population. Now, the dynamic is suddenly changed. The black population has been moved out, dispersed, disorganized. Their property is subject to condemnation. Now there is a real opportunity for gigantic development firms to argue (thanks to a recent Supreme Court ruling) that they can make better use of the property than the original owners. The city is now controlled by the federal government. The federal government is controlled by a Party that really, really, really likes developers.
In short, the forced removal of the city's population and the intentional disruption of their political unity makes possible the real looting of New Orleans - not by impoverished black residents, but by men in suits who donate heavily to the Republican Party.
Anyway, this is just a theory - presented, as I say, half seriously, half-not. What do you think?