Please send this to any military family with loved ones in Iraq!!!! Mari333 .....................................................................
Dear Military Families with loved ones in the Guard or Reserves: We received this message (below) from a Newsweek reporter. If you would like to reach her, her email is Sarah.Childress@Newsweek.com ; her phone number is below. Hopefully even Newsweek will get the message loud and clear: BRING THEM HOME NOW!!!!! Don't extend them, don't replace them, don't deploy them, don't re-deploy them, just bring them ALL on home!!!!!! In Peace and Solidarity, Nancy Lessin and Charley Richardson, for Military Families Speak Out www.mfso.org www.bringthemhomenow.org ----- Original Message ----- From: Childress, Sarah To: 'mfso@mfso.org' Sent: Friday, October 03, 2003 3:53 PM Subject: article query
Hello, I"m a Newsweek reporter interested in interviewing families of National Guard and Reservists currently serving in Iraq for a future article about the reserves situation now. We would like to speak with an economically, geographically and racially diverse group of reservist families so we can tell their stories, and I hoped you might be able to point me in the right direction.
I can be reached by e-mail or phone at 212 445 4428. Thanks so much
Sarah Childress Newsweek * Nation 251 W. 57th Street New York, NY 10019 P: 212-445-4428 F: 212-445-5825