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More links to crazy FEMA decisions in and around New Orleans

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Up2Late Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-07-05 02:15 AM
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More links to crazy FEMA decisions in and around New Orleans
Edited on Wed Sep-07-05 02:27 AM by Up2Late
I was looking for something I ran across last night on one of the Major "Ham" Radio websites, but I saw all this, and thought you all might want to add some of these links to what you have already.

Scroll down and you'll find lots of weird stuff that the Admin of this discussion board, posted here:


(O.K. I found it, I thought this was a bit odd, but then again, maybe this is part of the whole FEMA F*ckup?)


ARRL President Urges Orderly Amateur Radio Response in Katrina Recovery

NEWINGTON, CT, Sep 1, 2005--ARRL President Jim Haynie, W5JBP, today called on the Amateur Radio community to exercise patience as the Hurricane Katrina and New Orleans flooding relief and recovery efforts move into high gear.

"I know many people would like to move now," Haynie said. "Please don't. I know many of you want to enter the fray, come to the coast and get involved. Please, not yet." Haynie instead advised hams eager to assist to make sure they're prepared, refresh their skills and knowledge of protocols and procedures and let emergency management and relief agencies determine who is needed and where.

"For now, the area is simply too dangerous and no one is being allowed in," Haynie went on to say. "Transportation and logistics, including volunteer groups coming in, must be done in an orderly manner or we may only add to the chaos and confusion." He recommended that ARES members and teams work through their Section Emergency Coordinators (SECs).

"Information and coordination for such a historically large response is being developed and will be made available soon," he said. Haynie also reminded volunteers to be "professional and disciplined" whenever checking into a net. "Net control is a difficult job at best, so be respectful," he said. "If you have traffic fine, but if not , please stand by."

(more at link above)
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Zinfandel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-07-05 02:22 AM
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1. Perfect, Thanks, Keep it coming!!!
Got to offset Fox "news" and how CNN and talk radio will follow...

They will....
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Up2Late Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-07-05 02:32 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. No problem, also, I found what I had run across the other night
Edited on Wed Sep-07-05 02:32 AM by Up2Late
It might be nothing, but it seems weird to me. Check it out an tell me what you think, if you have a chance.
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Up2Late Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-07-05 02:44 AM
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3. Here's another link on a different "Ham" Radio discussion board

Several interesting posts here, but this one was very interesting because of how he's puzzled by the lack of Planning for Emergency Communications:

Posted: Sep. 03 2005,04:05
Baton Rouge, La

Planning ahead could make or break a support effort. I worked a couple of days at the River Center shelter for 5000 people in downtown Baton Rouge as a Red Cross communications volunteer. I heard the call go out on our local repeater for operators and responded. The Ham I met upon arrival had been there for countless hours without sleep and was using his own gear at the comm table. And because our ability to hit the local repeater was next to impossible inside the River Center, he had parked his mobile outside as a cross band repeater. Worked great except that any ham who volunteer'd for the River Center shelter had to have a 440 HT. When this Ham left, we lost the ability to operate inside the shelter as a rover (a MUST when passing traffic) and we relied on whatever rig we could get our hands on. The 2nd day I brought a 2 meter mobile and power supply, set my FT 530 as a cross band repeater in the car, and another ham dropped of an antenna. I got called back to work but left my gear (minus the FT-530) there for shelter use. Don't get me wrong, they can use my gear for the duration if needed. I just have a hard time understanding why we are pulling teeth to setup a basic station at a shelter. The need is great for communications there. I just wonder why prior planning was not conducted to provide this vital communications LINK. If there are Hams out there that want to help, the local shelters could use operators and EQUIPMENT to provide the needed link between shelters and Red Cross HQ. I have also passed emergency traffic to State OEC regarding people trapped inside homes in New Orleans while working the shelter, so it's not just for basic needs traffic. I've read about the Hams ready to provide comms in the New Orleans area, but if we can't talk between shelters and Red Cross HQ around town....Good Luck with THAT project.


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preciousdove Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-07-05 03:00 AM
Response to Original message
4. I had wondered if Hamm radio "guys" had gone the way of Beta...
Thanks for letting me know I was right to wonder where they were. Like the fire department and the ambulence crew they were always there in a large emergency. Tell them don't go away it ain't over yet.
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Up2Late Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-07-05 11:10 AM
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5. kick n/t
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