I just saw Miles O'Brien interview Hillary Clinton on CNN. She said that she had always had doubts about FEMA being under Homeland Insecurity and that this is proof that it didn't work!
She also said that there should be an independent commission to see why it failed. She said it's not a good idea for the govt to investigate itself. And the nice part about an independent commission is that it can be done at any time.........even now!!
She also said that when Bush declared a state of emergency and declared it to be a disaster on 8/27/05, that he also assured these people that FEMA would have a leading role regarding aid and recovery.
Once again, they screwed up! Do these guys know how to anything right?
There was another interesting interview right after that. O'Brien interviewed 3 teen agers who went into New Orleans 2 days after the hurricane. They said they had gotten some kind of forged press passes so they could get into the city. They said they didn't have any problem getting in! In fact, they said as they were driving into NO, they saw many yellow school buses leaving NO..........and, get this, every single bus was empty!!!! They even have video footage of the buses leaving!!!
The question is, why were the buses leaving empty? There were many, many people who were desperate to leave and yet there was bus after bus leaving empty!!! Why?