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NYT Maureen Dowd: Haunted by Hesitation

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babylonsister Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-07-05 07:37 AM
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NYT Maureen Dowd: Haunted by Hesitation

It took a while, but the president finally figured out a response to the destruction of New Orleans.

Later this week (no point rushing things) W. is dispatching Dick Cheney to the rancid lake that was a romantic city. The vice president has at long last lumbered back from a Wyoming vacation, and, reportedly, from shopping for a $2.9 million waterfront estate in St. Michael's, a retreat in the Chesapeake Bay where Rummy has a weekend home, where "Wedding Crashers" was filmed and where rich lobbyists hunt.
Maybe Mr. Cheney is going down to New Orleans to hunt looters. Or to make sure that Halliburton's lucrative contract to rebuild the city is watertight. Or maybe, since former Senator John Breaux of Louisiana described the shattered parish as "Baghdad under water," the vice president plans to take his pal Ahmad Chalabi along for a consultation on destroying minority rights.


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Tesla Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-07-05 07:44 AM
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1. GO MO!!!!
I love her!!!

One night on C-span, I watched a party she had at her house for her "Bushworld" book. Se was so witty in a live situation, and the people that were there, EVERYONE!!!

Did anyone else watch that??
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