Edited on Wed Sep-07-05 08:49 AM by Juniperx
When my oldest was 10 or so, we were watching a documentary on the old south... separate rest rooms, drinking fountains, etc. He asked why the signs directing people to drink from "Black Only" or "White Only" drinking fountains. I told him that some people believed that Blacks weren't as good as Whites. He literally rolled on the floor laughing and said, "That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard!"
That's how my kids were raised. And our house always looked like the United Nations when their friends were over. My friends are friends; we eat together, party together, go on trips together, laugh together, cry together. There is no skin-color criteria; it's not a consideration because there is no reason for it at all.
I can't imagine where this hate comes from.
I've been seriously considering adopting an orphan of Katrina... the thought of color never entered my mind. My only thought was of a kid without family, and my guest room with clean sheets.
Not all white people are racist and not all Americans are heartless idiots like their leader.