just in case you were wondering whether these people actually give a shit about the hurricane victims.. here's proof they don't.
To: Millee
I don't owe anybody an apoligy. and I am sick and tired of the attacks upon my president by these ingrates.
no more money will I send. let the left take care of these people.
2 posted on 09/07/2005 7:02:48 AM PDT by camle (keep your mind open and somebody will fill it full of something for you.) < Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies >
To: Millee Leave it to fricking Oprah to speak for "the nation". I owe NOLA an apology? Yeah, right. What a bunch of feel-good, socialist, nanny-state claptrap.
16 posted on 09/07/2005 7:04:44 AM PDT by lotsaguns < Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies >
To: Millee Oprah: Nation Owes Flood Victims an Apology DoctorMichael: STFU
27 posted on 09/07/2005 7:06:12 AM PDT by DoctorMichael (The Fourth-Estate is a Fifth-Column!) < Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies >
To: stopem in understand that she gave a couple of mil, which is good. what I resent is being told that i must contribute to a bunch of people who do nothing but whine and complain about how bad they're treated.
I'm sure that there are some real nice people out there, but since the left is blaming me and my president for the ineptitude of state and local officials, and they continue to lie and be nasty about it, i simply don't feel like subsidizing that over and above the taxes i pay.
38 posted on 09/07/2005 7:08:49 AM PDT by camle (keep your mind open and somebody will fill it full of something for you.) < Post Reply | Private Reply | To 21 | View Replies >
To: Millee I wonder if she would have done half as much if she weren't going to get any publicity for it.
And what is her take on the crackheads, gang-bangers and thugs who made the rescue efforts impossible for three days? Are we supposed to apologize for them, too?
47 posted on 09/07/2005 7:10:56 AM PDT by SlowBoat407 (My tagline has been looted.) < Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies >
To: TitansAFC baloney! I do not owe NO any apologies. they made their mess and they're living with it. my tax dollars are helping fix the situation that they got themselves into.
that's "apology" enough.
57 posted on 09/07/2005 7:12:59 AM PDT by camle (keep your mind open and somebody will fill it full of something for you.) < Post Reply | Private Reply | To 42 | View Replies [br /> To: Millee Hey Oprah Apologize THIS! What a dimwit.
60 posted on 09/07/2005 7:13:40 AM PDT by justshutupandtakeit (Public Enemy #1, the RATmedia.) < Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies >
To: All The late great Linda Bowles had this to say after Clinton left office in 2001: Once Clinton has shown the way to move forward with his life, it would be appropriate for those Americans who twice put him in office to clear their consciences by also making a public apology to the rest of us. This need not be a groveling apology. Just a simple expression of remorse and a straightforward request for forgiveness will be sufficient.
Linda was right. It was the voters who voted for Scumbag who needed to apologize.
It is the people who filled the Superdome who need to apologize to the American people. They need to apologize to American taxpayers who have taken care of them with free food, free housing, free transportation, free medical, free everything for their entire lives. Now, we are spending billions and risking lives for these same people. The people in New Orleans voted in Mayor Numnut Nagin. We must demand an apology from the people of New Orleans for such irresponsible voting habits.
Yes, the people of New Orleans must apologize to the American taxpayers.
Rest in peace Linda Bowles. Thank you for teaching me how to think clearly in times of emotional chaos and "Oprah style thinking" by the rest of the people.
86 posted on 09/07/2005 7:19:50 AM PDT by Dont_Tread_On_Me_888 (Bush's #1 priority Africa. #2 priority appease Fox and Mexico . . . USA priority #64.) < Post Reply | Private Reply | To 31 | View Replies >
To: Always Right Dear Queen Oprah,
Take that gold plated gas mask and those braindead clapping circus seals you call fans and shove it up your cakehole!
-- Proud_USA_Republican
P.S. You better get your big butt back to Chicago fast. I heard Stedman's at the stripbars again getting lapdances.
90 posted on 09/07/2005 7:22:07 AM PDT by Proud_USA_Republican < Post Reply | Private Reply | To 46 | View Replies >
To: Millee This is urinating me off so badly. So people were TOLD to get out of town. They were TOLD if they couldn't get out of town to go to the Dome and bring supplies. So the dumbass mayor doesn't provide transportation? The dumbass mayor doesn't provide security and order at the Dome? And these people cannot live in a shelter for a couple days without resorting to murder and mayhem and filth and degradation? I'm sorry, but this is all a smokescreen for the utter failure of the welfare state and the black "leadership". They have led their people to an almost-animal status, unable and unwilling to act like responsible humans. Commtting hate crimes against whitey and having no regard for anyone. And now we have to hear the black upper-class descend from the mountaintop and pronounce us all guilty for their plight? Kiss my white ass, Oprah. And screw you Mayor Nagin, you incompetent lying jackass.
96 posted on 09/07/2005 7:23:47 AM PDT by over3Owithabrain < Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies >
To: nyconse Oprah can STFU and go to he!! as far as I am concerned. the people she wants us to apoliogize to include looters, rapists and thugs. the situation they find themselves in is largely due to incompetence on the part of those charged with their well being - a lesson in trusting government!
but they have the chutzpah to bash me and my president because they don't have the common sense to head for higher ground during a hurricane? please.
if not for my president, they'd still be in the superdome.
97 posted on 09/07/2005 7:23:54 AM PDT by camle (keep your mind open and somebody will fill it full of something for you.) < Post Reply | Private Reply | To 87 | View Replies >
To: alisasny The Mayor still refuses to accept any responsibility for allowing the destruction, death of the people sheltered in the super dome. the CITY and ST of LA did not provide basic essentials needed including security. They mixed people of all walks of life for along period of time left to fend for themselves.
He played the pity card, "oh no you don't want to go in there, Oprah: but I do, Nagin: Oh no you don't, you need to release me of all liability. Someone needs to throw him in the polluted waters and hold him under. She is so one sided . you are right they are all using these poor to sensationalize their misery.
I am sick of the race card. They use it for everything. They are denied because of their color, they are entitled because of their color, they. No apology from me, I haven't heard the governor or mayor take any responsibility. She's mad, we're mad at all the things they do to divide people.
114 posted on 09/07/2005 7:29:50 AM PDT by newfrpr04 < Post Reply | Private Reply | To 3 | View Replies >
To: Millee Dear New Orleans,
Let me apologize for Ophra's stupidity. I'd also like to apologize for Celine Dionne and all the other celebs who make absolutely no sense at all. I'd be remiss if I didn't apologize for your mayor and governor lacking leadership even still.
I'm sorry that the MSM wants to refer to you all as refugees and poor black people who have never had anything, so it is OK to loot and act like animals.
Please accept my deepest apology for all the above.
Conspiracy Guy
PS: Dear Gulf Coast,
I am sorry that in the eyes and cameras of the MSM, you never existed in the first place, therefore your plight is unworthy of their attention.
Conspiracy Guy
PS Again: Dear American Public and Armed Forces,
Thank you for the good work you are doing to bring relief and order to the devastated areas.
I salute you.
Conspiracy Guy
125 posted on 09/07/2005 7:32:28 AM PDT by Conspiracy Guy (Warning.... Contents under pressure....If you don't like what I say, don't read it !) < Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies >
To: Millee And if the poor folk in NO had been white people? Would Oprah race to their sides and help?
Does Oprah know that President Bush declared LA a disaster area TWO DAYS BEFORE "Katrina" made landfall, so that federal resources could be assembled?
Does she know that President Bush repeatedly called Gov. Blanco to ask if she and her state needed help during the run-up to the storm?
God save us from whining crybabies like Oprah.
I admire her business acumen, but her politics are dreadful. She pulled herself out of poverty, why is that avenue not acceptable for the black folk of NO?
136 posted on 09/07/2005 7:35:12 AM PDT by RexBeach (Pardon me, but is that a malaise sandwich in your pocket or are you just glad to be in a funk?) < Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies >
To: Millee News Flash to Ms. Giant Ego: You're not the conscience of the nation. You're just a really lame talk show host who appeals to an audience of generally dysfunctional people. If you feel so strongly about it, then write a big check. But don't tell me or the rest of us who to apologize to.
As far as I'm concerned, anyone who's a supporter of the welfare state (flashing red arrow pointing over Oprah's head) should be apologizing for helping to create a situation in New Orleans where so many people are utterly dependent on the government for everything.
137 posted on 09/07/2005 7:35:38 AM PDT by Antoninus (Dominus Iesus, miserere nobis.) < Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies >
To: Millee This instant attack from the left, that seemed to start before the hurricane even hit, is the reason I will not be donating one cent to any charity involved with this relief effort. From a principle standpoint I refuse to donate money that will end up in the hands of the Democrats/Communists.
166 posted on 09/07/2005 7:52:01 AM PDT by Codeflier (Implement Loser Pays) < Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies >
To: All This is the exact reason why I have not donated a single dime to the disaster funds. They are using this as a political tool and I don't want any of my hard earn money going to it.
167 posted on 09/07/2005 7:52:41 AM PDT by excalibur1701 < Post Reply | Private Reply | To 164 | View Replies >
To: excalibur1701
I stated that I will not be giving a dime to the charities for this disaster fund early on (as did some toehrs), and some of us took heat for that. Now, I believe more and more taxpayers will decide they also will refust to give any money for this "disaster" that Nagin could have prevented.
The people are ungrateful (like the woman in the Dome who complained her food was not heated up enough), and the leftists will continue to attempt to make political milegage out of this.
Finally, the charities have much fraud and waste in them, and some money is diverted to other causes, not the immediate disaster you think you are giving to.
Sean Penn and Oprah can donate if they like, but this taxpayer has "donated" plenty over the years in terms of tax dollars, of which MORE THAN HALF of every tax dollar goes to charity anyway through social services/welfare.
173 posted on 09/07/2005 7:59:52 AM PDT by Dont_Tread_On_Me_888 (Bush's #1 priority Africa. #2 priority appease Fox and Mexico . . . USA priority #64.) < Post Reply | Private Reply | To 167 | View Replies >
To: TexasGreg Very well stated!
My checkbook is CLOSED!
Let the liberals take care of these people. Never knew New Orleans had some many people on the welfare take until this happened. When I saw posts on here about the people from the projects that came with a warning about not taking them into your home, I decided the next time I wrote a check it would have to be for a military relief fund.
175 posted on 09/07/2005 8:00:51 AM PDT by PhiKapMom (AOII Mom -- Allen in 2008) < Post Reply | Private Reply | To 100 | View Replies >