Katrina response too slow
I am really upset. The condition of New Orleans is horrific, and the response from the government is so slow it is wrong.
After 9/11 the government was fast and now it is a slow crawl. Have all our priorities gone wrong? It is a national disaster and President Bush is acting like it is no big deal. Sure, all the words are nice, but food and water are a lot more meaningful. Get off your butt, Bush, and get the job done.
And what happened to the rest of the world, we jumped through hoops for the tidal wave last year and so did the world, but where is the help for us? I suggest this: If you do feel like you have to help us, then don’t count us helping you, like the old saying, You Scratch my Back and I’ll Scratch Yours.
God bless all the victims and the survivors. You are all in my prayers.
Steven Brink
Hanau, Germany