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Can't recruit for H.S. football, but the military is fair game?

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babylonsister Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-07-05 11:25 AM
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Can't recruit for H.S. football, but the military is fair game?

Coaches warned about recruiting storm victims
UIL worried that evacuees may seek out top programs
Copyright 2005 Houston Chronicle

Coaches and administrators across Greater Houston expressed confidence Thursday that all will work in concert for the benefit of displaced high school athletes who will try to play football in Texas this fall.

But for those rogue coaches who might try to take advantage of the ongoing aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, Charles Briethaupt, the athletic director of the University Interscholastic League, offered a vividly worded warning.

"If we find a coach who is out there actively pursuing kids and trying to convince them to come to their school, we're going to treat them like they're looters," Breithaupt said. more...

vs. Military recruiting

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