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Excellent summary of all foreign aid for Katrina victims

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neweurope Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-07-05 12:24 PM
Original message
Excellent summary of all foreign aid for Katrina victims,1518,373565,00.html

They critize that most of this aid does not reach the victims.
In German, unfortunately, and I don't have time to translate right now.


Remember Fallujah

Bush to The Hague!
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bluestateguy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-07-05 12:31 PM
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1. Translation
Afghanistan: 100,000 dollars Argentina: six experts for the catastrophes protection Australia: 8 million dollars Bahamas: 50,000 dollars Bangladesh: 1 million dollar Belgium: health expert and reconstruction experts; pumps, generators China: 5 million dollars, medical
equipment Denmark: water processing plants Germany: 70,000 finished meals, medical equipment, medical teams for vaccinations, water processing plants, pumps, Sanitätsflugzeuge, expert for crisis management Dominica: police powers Dominican Republic: rescue powers,
physicians, nurse el Salvador: 100 soldiers, under that orderly and pioneer 980 Field beds, 60 generators, 30 pumps, three water processing plants, airplanes, two ships with helicopters, powers of the catastrophes protection Greece: two cruise ships, rescue powers,
auxiliary goods Großbritanien: 500,000 finished meals, equipment for search team and rescue teams, pumps, doctor Guatemala: 80 experts of the army and the health service Honduras: 134 rescue powers and doctor India: 5 million dollars, plague experts, water processing
plants Indonesia: 45 physicians and 155 sick caretakers, 10,000 covers 300 Field beds, 300 covers, a pump, lifeboat, chlorine tray, baby nourishment Japan: 1 million dollar, tents, covers, generators, water container Canada: three ships of the navy, a boat of the coasts
watch, helicopter and 1,000 deployed troops, under that also navy diver Qatar: 100 million dollars Colombia: rescue powers and doctor Kosovo: 500,000 dollar Cuba: 1100 physicians Kuweit: oil in the value of 500 million dollars and other aid Latvia: Katastrophenschützer,
covers, water bottles 2,000 covers Mexico: navy ship with foods, amphibian vehicles, helicopter, doctor, water processing plants, 1 million dollar New Zealand: 1.4 million dollars, rescue powers Nicaragua: experts for flood protection of Netherlands: frigate with water,
medicine, beds, helicopter, pumps, expert for dike concern Norway: navy diver, 10,000 covers, finance aid Austria: pumps, covers, field beds; a team of the Austrian Red Cross a communication network constructs in Houston. Pakistan: physicians Panama: 55,000 kilograms of
bananas Peru: 80 to 100 physicians, medical equipment, food Philippines: 25 rescue powers, 25,000 dollars Portugal: 500,000 Barrel oils Rumania: two teams of doctors Russia: three carrier airplanes with generators, foods, tents, covers, drinking water and medical equipment
Saudi Arabia: offer to the increase of the oil production Sweden: first-aid-packages, covers, meals, generators, water processing plants Switzerland: covers, auxiliary goods, logistics experts, physicians Singapore: three carrier helicopters, 38 Doctor, tents, field beds,
covers, water processing plants, generators, food Sri Lanka: 25,000 dollar south Korea: 30 million dollars, rescue powers Taiwan: 2 million dollars Thailand: 60 physicians and nurse, rice Trinidad and Tobago: 10 to 15 rescue powers the Czech Republic: rescue powers, a
field clinic, pumps, water processing plants, carrier airplanes uruguay: water processing plants, dried milk of Venezuela: 1 million Barrel gasolines, 5 million dollars, water processing plants, rescue powers, food, water Uniteden Arab Emirate: tents
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neweurope Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-07-05 03:36 PM
Response to Original message
2. Poor, poor Bangladesh donated 1 million Dollars to the US.
Unfortunately this money probably will not reach the victims of Katrina. But you can see how much people are willing to offer to you - the politics of the Bushistas nonwithstanding.

In Germany it was reported that the water purification plants and the hyper modern pumps and what else that Germany sent over is not ALLOWED into New Orleans.


Remember Fallujah

Bush to The Hague!
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