All this absurd banter in reference to alleged Blame Games in lieu of any real accountability or admission of responsibility for the series of blunders that caused the widespread deaths, destruction, and suffering, got me thinking. . .
The Main Frame of the Federal Government is fundamentally completely disconnected from the basic needs of the people, caters only to the special interests, has now demonstrated for all the world to see, is either too inept or uncaring to even protect us from threats be they real, continually imagined or relentlessly provoked through sheer idiotic global insensitivity.
While we react and wrestle with the Rovian talking point of the day, we're continually undermined by the army of pundits who have no regard for the rule of law or even the truth, for that matter. They make up scandalous and salacious stuff, our side does thorough and exacting research to disprove their deceptions, but the short attention span theater has long since moved on. This is an exercise in absolute and utterly frustrating futility.
The Dems despite all their rhetoric of reason, really have no power. Without election reform and the removal of the voting machinery from partisan hands, they will never have any ever again. They are stuck on a old paradigm of free an fair elections which no longer exist and haven't for the last three elections. The Dems have never shaken off the inaccurate though wildly presumed negative onus of liberalism, and "tax and spend." They should have rectified those misnomers ages ago and shot back with stuff like,"what you prefer "loot and waste?"
* suggested the adoption of an approach of "zero tolerance" towards looters. Well maybe we could start with him before he tries to loot all of Social Security again.
These are extreme times and as the old adage goes, "extreme measures are required."
I've suggested this before but perhaps we could barrage the government with post cards that read "You're fired," alluding to the threat of a pseudo tax revolt, just to get their attention.
Beyond that, I seriously think it's time to transcend this intractable dualism by initiating an inclusive third way which could potentially merge the disgruntled (both progressives and realists) people from both of so called Blue and Red (blue+red=purple) states and just stress that currently in this land there is taxation without representation and seriously dubious protection to boot from a wasteful and corrupt regime.
Maybe it's high time for a Purple Tea Party.
Purple has long been thought by some to be a very spiritual color and IMHO, they only way that we can heal the planet is to overcome extreme fundamentalism from all religions is through basic human kindness and tolerance.
It has been duly noted that in innumerable instances in this recent disaster, bureaucratic protocol trumped common sense in catastrophic proportions. This is total BS.
The Main Frame appears to warrant a good and solid rebooting.