You're just trying to get my goat, aren't you?
Oh well, here goes:
9/11 was not the fault of any particular administration. It just so happened to fall under Bush's watch and he will therefore suffer the brunt of all critisism. There are many people who disagree with you and believe that the Bush administration either let the attacks happen or actually had a hand in the attacks themselves. Regardless of your position on that, there is a clear case of incompetence from the administration. There were several warnings from the intelligence community. There was a presidential daily briefing memo in August (while Bush was on vacation) that said Bin Laden was determined to strike America. Ashcroft stopped flying commercial jets in July (if I recall correctly).
While one could argue that GOP administrations tend to favor big business, one can also argue as to why poverty and the poor never really seem to get much better under a Democrat leader as well. Look at NO for a quick reminder. Yes, one *could* argue that GOP administrations tend to favor big business, couldn't they? Just about every social program (Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc) was started by a democrat. I'm guessing you don't think these programs are a good idea. Yes, poverty is a big problem with no easy answers, but giving tax cuts to the rich is absolutely NOT the answer. Get it?
Afghanistan and Iraq are military operations and with such military operations death is a given. War is not peaceful. We were led to a *pre-emptive* war with Iraq because of lies. Iraq was not a threat to the US. There were no WMD. Bush and company were planning the war from the beginning of his administration. Read "The Price of Loyalty" and "Chain of Command" for starters. You are correct, war is not peaceful, which is why it should be an option of absolute last resort.
Bin Laden falls under a similar category as 9/11. The Clinton administration is proven to have been offered Bin Laden on a silver platter years before 9/11 happened, yet Bush is the one actively hunting him...to no avail as of yet. After 9/11, George Bush has said he "does not think about him (Bin Laden) that much". Since George doesn't think about Bin Laden much anymore, let's ask Poppy Bush about him - they seem to have a long history together.
Abu Ghraib is a prison. Its reported violence and humanitarian issues are no higher than most other larger prisons in the United States. Is anyone here blaming BushCo for the treatment of prisoners in US prisons? Are you really arguing to support the conditions within Abu Ghraib?
And finally, the "massacre" of NO has plenty of blame to go around. Again, a Democrat mayor failed to evacutate his city properly. Those he did choose to evacuate were housed in the Superdome BEFORE the storm hit and yet there was not enough food and water and supplies to or proper security to safely house these evacuees. FEMA has dropped the ball no doubt, and I guess the buck does stop at BushCO, but currently only 13% of Americans hold him personally accountable. But one cannot honestly deny the fact that NO and LA governments miserably failed their people as well. I guess the buck does stop at BushCO, doesn't it? I can honestly deny the fact that NO and LA governments miserably failed their people. They were screaming for help and issuing desperate SOS days before the federal government did anything.
Finally, a question for you - Why are you here on DU? You do realize this is a progressive message board, don't you?