When a Bush supporter hears the word "accountability," his by now Pavlovian response is to howl "Bush hater!" And when a Bush supporter hears "responsibility," his immediate reaction is to accuse the speaker of this terrible word of trying to find some political advantage in the suffering of those victimized by whatever the administration disaster might be that week.
You see, we've all been down this road with "President" Bush before. He is incompetent, he is careless about the responsibilities of his high office, and as long as it doesn't affect his standing with the voters too much, he really couldn't care who knows it.
But on occasion a consequence of his negligence is people die. A lot of people. Which is why he is so dependent upon the efforts of those who will work so hard to hide his responsibility for the tragedy at hand, and to make sure that any call for accountability is buried in a torrent of irrational accusations and obfuscation.
George W. Bush has always had those who were willing to help him out of his disasters. And they're doing all they can to help him now.