It has emerged that Bush administration officials Elliott Abrams, who is said to have supervised the planning of the operation, and Otto Reich (ex-US ambassador to Venezuela) were not only aware that something was about to take place, but had sanctioned it and discussed it in some detail with the coup plotters at the White House, including Carmona, right down to its timing and chances of success, which were deemed to be excellent. On the day Carmona was installed, Reich summoned ambassadors from Latin America and the Caribbean to his office and told them that the removal of Chávez was not a rupture of democratic rule, as he had resigned and was "responsible for his fate".
According to a report in the New York Times, Reich warned Congressional aides that there was more at stake in Venezuela than the success or failure of Chávez. He accused Chávez of meddling with the historically independent state oil company, providing haven to Colombian guerrillas and bailing out Cuba with preferential rates on oil. He also said the administration had received reports that "foreign paramilitary forces" – whom they suspected of being Cubans – were involved in the bloody suppression of anti-Chávez demonstrators.,6903,688071,00.html