Most human beings know what decency is. And most of us grasp the meaning of what it means to be civilized.
In the past ten days, we've seen that those who run this country don't grasp the concepts behind those two words.
People died of thirst, hunger, lack of medications, despair, and the indifference of those who should have been helping them. Our president played golf and the guitar, our vice president did whatever he does in Wyoming and Condi went shoe shopping in New York.
It's past time that everyone, Republicans included, faced the fact that we are being ruled by people who are not only incompetent, but malignant. Bush & Co. really couldn't care less who lives or dies, so long as they've got theirs. And it's time that we all realized that, to them, "having theirs" means having everything.
Bush & Co. are neither decent nor civilized. They are nothing more than a marauding band of thugs, incapable of feeling guilt or remorse. They are grabbing everything they can, and hoping to escape before the populace comes together and holds them responsible for their crimes against civilization.