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My letter to Senator Boxer

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kma3346 Donating Member (423 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-07-05 04:22 PM
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My letter to Senator Boxer
I just sent a letter to my senator. I was just going to write a short one regarding my outrage about Bush banning the media from New Orleans, but I couldn't stop writing once I started. Please, everyone, write your senators, congressmen, the media, the white house. We need to fight for our country.

Dear Barbara,

I am sitting here in disbelief about what the Bush administration is doing in the wake of Hurricane Katrina.

First, I am amazed that so many members of the administration didn't think that this disaster was important enough to cancel their vacations for until it became a political liability. Then, I was astounded that the administration seemed to be ignoring the pleas of the state and local officials when they asked for help, and then I was appalled by the incompetence and lackadaisical attitude of FEMA in response to the disaster, and worse yet, that they were even HINDERING efforts made by others trying to help. Then we find out that the head of FEMA is a crony of Bush who has no experience in emergency operations and his last job revolved around Arabian horses.

Then, the horror of seeing people waiting and waiting (and fully expecting) to be rescued only to die in their attics and rooftops--drowning, dying of dehydration, some so bad off that they were left to die alone in a morgue for God's sake. These people are somebody's mother, father, son, daughter, grandparent--everybody should think about how they would feel if it was their family member who was waiting for help that never came or who was shoved into a morgue knowing that they were going to die--alone, afraid, and probably in agony.

Dear God, what have we come to? I have cried my eyes out watching the horrors unfold on TV, thinking about those poor people as I go about my own blessedly easy day-to-day life.

What is going to happen to the land and the houses that are owned by those people? Who is going to take them over? The property will probably be taken over by other cronies and corporations for building casinos and high-end houses and hotels (thanks to eminent domain and the bankruptcy bill). And what about the people who are being shipped all over the place and placed in camps that are reminiscent of internment camps (I know, it seems a bit extreme to say this, but if they are behind fences and aren't allowed to leave--even to attend church services--what are we supposed to think?)

And now we hear one of the most utterly galling outrages of all, that Bush is not going to allow media to remain in New Orleans.

This is beyond outrageous. This is unspeakably brazen and heinous. Isn't the governor still in charge? How can Bush override the state government in something like this?

I'm appalled and sickened by this blatant attempt to cover up their horrendous incompetence and negligence, and to hide/minimize the true body count. Between not doing autopsies, shipping survivors to all corners of the United States, and now this, how will we ever learn the truth???

I think it's high time that Bush and his uncaring incompetent administration were held accountable. They can spin it into "the blame game" talking point, which will eventually morph into the "we can't talk about this because it's an ongoing investigation" talking point when (and if) it comes to that.

There are so many outrages taking place right now (Bolton, Plame, Roberts, the so-called death tax for the wealthy, and on and on and on) that I can't even begin to cover them in a single mail message. All I can say is PLEASE continue grilling them and making them accountable. PLEASE do what you can to not make it easy for them to push through their selfish, clueless "agenda." You, John Conyers, Maxine Waters, and others are a beacon of light to we disillusioned, powerless citizens. Thank you for your continued efforts. There has to be a point where government takes responsibility for its citizens, and the dead and displaced victims of Katrina must be acknowledged and dealt with--with compassion, honesty, and integrity.

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texpatriot2004 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-07-05 04:23 PM
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1. Great letter. Well said. n/t
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livetohike Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-07-05 04:24 PM
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2. Excellent!
I e-mailed her yesterday asking for censure/impeachment of Bush. I haven't received anything from her office yet.
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