Ramp it up democrats. Ramp it up. Criminal negligence or deadly partisanship stood in the way of saving people. I just read the story of a nursing home......sweet jesus.......
Brown's head on a platter is not good enough. Chertoff's head on a platter will not quell the rage I am feeling.
In the most cynical sense - is this the Bush way of fighting poverty.......god.....
Wariness, gave way to dislike, gave way to disdain, gave way to mistrust, gave way to anger, gave way to seething anger, gave way to rage, and now outright hate.
Good people are stepping up to the plate and working their asses off to improve a hideous situation - but we must never ever ever let Bush off the hook for this one. Don't allow a man who cannot discern reality of WMD with fiction, and that same man to make sick jokes about it at a press dinner - with overseeing an investigation of his own self. Independant special prosecuter with subpoena powers - or demand his resignation. Simple as that. Those are his choices. Congress and Senate must step up to the plate.
He cannot be allowed to finish his second term. He is too dangerous.
Rambling rant - sorry.