I've noticed a surprising lack of negative stories about repug politicans, especially the Bu$h's ever since the anthrax attack in 2001. So in order to test my theory, I visited their site to look around. Turns out they have a 'search' option, that works very well. Below are the result for searching 'Jenna'. Nothing since Oct. 2001. Try 'Bush' nothing bad since then either. Try 'Clinton', lot's of stuff there. Seems getting anthraxed didn't stop them from going after the Clinton's on a monthly basis. So for a good time, search their archives and see if you notice any other patterns.
BTW: Remember Bob Stevens, pic of a drunked Jenna that graced the NE cover. The story is still there but the pic is gone. Mmm?
National EnquirerSearch Results: Found 13 items. Showing all results.
Jul 16, 2002 Britney and the porn stars
Britney Spears stole her dance moves from strippers -- but what's her sudden fascination with porn stars?
Oct 02, 2001 Bush Daughters Get High -- Skydiving
Gorgeous young Bush babes Jenna and Barbara got high -- skydiving, that is.
Aug 14, 2001 It's Another Wild Party Week for Jenna
THE PARTY NEVER ends for Jenna Bush! Unlike other teenagers, the President's daughter has no problems getting served alcohol illegally and recently went on another bender drinking wine and knocking back Bloody Marys during a wild party weekend with friends, The ENQUIRER has learned exclusively.
Jun 08, 2001 Laura & George At War Over Daughters' Boozing
The drinking problems of President Bush's teenage daughters Jenna and Barbara have triggered an all-out First Family feud!
Jun 01, 2001 Jenna Bush Caught on Tape?
Students at the University of Texas are claiming that they have a home video of a drunk Jenna Bush at a wild party -- and are threatening to release it to the public.
May 31, 2001 Bush Daughters at it Again
The Austin police and the Texas Alcohol Beverage commission are looking into a report that Jenna and Barbara Bush tried to buy alcohol illegally in a Mexican restaurant.
Apr 30, 2001 Jenna Bush Gets Booze Ticket
Jenna Bush was cited by cops in Austin, Texas, when she was caught drinking alcohol at a city hangout.
Apr 19, 2001 Prez's Daughter in Spring Break Booze Binge
President Bush's daughter Barbara flew to a Mexican resort for a spring break vacation -- that nearly turned into a tragedy.
Apr 06, 2001 Jerri May Do Playboy
Playboy hasn't had any luck in coaxing any of the previous Survivor chicks to shed their bandana tube tops and bikini bottoms -- but that may soon change.
Mar 09, 2001 Bush Daughter's Wild Life
Dec 21, 2000 Get Ready, America! Here Comes George W's Wild Daughter
ONE OF THE toughest domestic issues George W. Bush faces in the next few years is how to control his hard-drinking daughter.
Nov 29, 2000 Sweet Cookies From Jenna Elfman
Nov 27, 2000 Bad Dharma