Pretty shocked to see him on Faux & Friends today (his first day on the network). He left the CBS Early Show in 2002. Did some research and the Freepers have gone after him in the past, especially when Gumbel was on the Early Show... Maybe Faux senses a tide turning?
Bryant Gumbel: "At the risk of starting an argument, are you a believer in global warming?"
Mark McEwen: "Absolutely."
Jane Clayson: "Of course."
Julie Chen: "Yeah."
Gumbel: "So am I....And you wonder what it's gonna take. I mean, is it gonna take some kind of a real catastrophe? I mean, does an iceberg have to come floating down the Hudson before somebody stands up and goes, ‘Oh, yeah'?"
-- Exchange during CBS Early Show's co-op time at 7:25am on April 18.
Andersen appeared on CBS’s This Morning. Co-host Mark McEwen raised Foster and added a mention about fights between Bill and Hillary, but instead of exploring the subject he raised it to challenge the author’s sources.
As transcribed by MRC analyst Brian Boyd, McEwen got right to Foster as his first inquiry: "Biggest bombshell in this book I guess is Vince Foster. The fact that Hillary Clinton, you say, had an affair with the long time friend who was also on the staff at the White House, committed suicide, tell us about that."
After Andersen’s answer, McEwen fired back: "Vince Foster is not here to defend himself, does that bother you?"
“Last week the President spoke, the market went down. Yesterday, the President spoke, the market went down. Should he be quiet for a while?”
-- CBS’s Mark McEwen on the July 16 2002 Early Show.
In this interview with CBS' Mark McEwen, McEwen accuses Mel Gibson of being pro-life, pro-capital punishment, and generally not as liberal as Hollywood -
McEwen told Gibson: "You live in Hollywood, work in Hollywood -- liberal town. Some of your views aren't as liberal as that town. You're anti-abortion, pro-capital punishment, do you ever feel like you're howling in a hurricane?"
Gibson replied: "Some kind of a dinosaur? No, you know you have to have these opinions about these things. I'm pretty firm on stuff like that. I don't feel like I'm howling in a hurricane. I just try to do my bit the way I think it should be done."