Articles of Impeachment must come from the House Judiciary Committee. If you are in agreement that Bush, Cheney and his misadministration should be removed from office, would you please send this letter to both Democrats and REPUBLICANS on the Committee and ALL in Congress, so they can know just how serious we are. Fax is best, and e mail is next best. Snail mail is held up for weeks. And to all groups or mailing lists you have?
Membership of Judiciary Committee complete list of e mail/fax addresses of Congress: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Dear Congressman/Senator _____________________
It's time.
Now the entire country is witness to Bush’s Impeachable offenses and Misdemeanors of :
Dereliction of Duty, Abuse of Office, Violation of Public Trust.
We have listed the proof of Bush's dereliction of duty and violations of Public Trust at the URL here:
"NOW IS THE TIME - LIST HERE BUSH's DERELICTION OF DUTY - FOR IMPEACHMENT " Congress must level charges at both Bush and Cheney of Abuse of Office, Dereliction of Duty, and Violation of Public Trust.
1)Abuse of Office: Bush & Cheney. On Wednesday August 31 the announcement came, days before the people in New Orleans were rescued, given water or MRE's, that Halliburton had been awarded the contract for rebuilding in New Orleans. Without bid. and to a company who had been caught overcharging the U.S. taxpayer $100 million in Iraq.
2)Abuse of Office & Dereliction of Duty: A transcript of Tim Russert's Meet The Press has Republican governor Barbour stating he had national guard, food, fuel, water and all that he needed on MONDAY, while President Broussard of Jefferson Parrish Louisiana broke down in tears on national tv at the death of his citizens stating that even as of that day, Sunday Sept 4, seven (7) days after the hurricane, he did not have food, water, fuel, Red Cross or national guard and as a matter of fact such items had been sent to him by private parties and FEMA refused to let these desperately needed items through: that FEMA even had cut the lines of his emergency communications.
The text of his interview with Russert is here:transcript: < /
3) Abuse Of Office & Dereliction of Duty: When Republican Governor Barbour of Mississippi who was interviewed after Mr. Broussard on Russert said "I don;t know what went on in Louisiana but I had guard, food , water and everything I needed on Monday (August 29)- I understood. The world understood.
Mr. Bush is known to be a vindictive person. It is obvious that FEMA on orders did not service the Democratic governor's constituents , never mind that it would cause their deaths, while taking excellent care of the Republican’s constituents. I as we all are, am horrified at what Bush has done.
The food, water, buses, private aid, life saving boats, guard, volunteers and help of any kind were kept outside of New Orleans and not allowed in for a full five days, as we all saw recorded for posterity on television.
I have numerous instances with links in the URL above as proof of this. Many who rushed to New Orleans with supplies, boats, medicine, doctors, sheriffs, aid and transport called by the Mayor of New Orleans and Governor of Louisiana were rebuffed and sent away by FEMA and the National Guard on Thursday and before. FEMA & the Guard under orders, essentially blockaded New Orleans and the Parishes causing dehydration of thousands and allowing drowning resulting in deaths.
It's beyond comprehension that any President of the United States would sacrifice thousands of American lives to play politics to bestow favoritism on Republican governors and ignore the desperate pleas of American citizens living in Democratic Governors’ areas , however without doubt it is the conclusion after Tim Russert interviewed (R) Gov Haley Barbour of Mississippi who said he had everything he needed on Monday 8/29 but didn't know what went on in Louisiana, (as did the republican governor of Alabama) while County Manager (D)Aaron Broussard of Jefferson Parrish in Louisiana broke down and cried on national television on Sunday 9/4 that his people were dying and he still didn't have guard, food, water, gas, Red Cross or any life saving assistance 7 days after the hurricane, despite promises every day from FEMA and President Bush "that the calvary was coming". In fact, while Broussard’s people were dying, FEMA was turning away gas, water, and food trucks from New Orleans and Broussard's area, even those sent by private organizations such as Walmart.
The importance of the Russert interview of the two men is primary to understant what George Bush was doing.
Originally it was thought Bush’s intention was genocide of the minority population. But after hearing (R)Haley Barbour and (D)President Broussard on the same program experiencing the absolute opposite result in life saving assistance, it could be understood this was Payback against Democrat voting Louisiana by a vindictive George Bush.
Did Bush realize the deaths his vindictive actions would cause? .
If so , what he has done is criminal homicide of American citizens;
At the very least, his dereliction of duty and abuse of power is manslaughter,
Either way, what he has done is criminal, impeachable and it's time for him to go.
a)The Chicago Tribune reports that the U.S.S. Bataan, equipped with six operating rooms, hundreds of hospital beds and the ability to produce 100,000 gallons of fresh water a day, has been sitting off the Gulf Coast since last Monday 8/29- waiting for orders from the President, which never came.
b)The BBC interviewed Lieutenant Sean Kelly of Northcom who stated over radio they had been prepared for rescue three days before the hurricane hit and were awaiting orders from the President, which did not come. (Transcipt of interview in above URL)
c)Bush has stated " No one knew this could happen"
Dr. Max Mayfield, director of the National Hurricane Center, told the Times-Picayune Sunday afternoon that officials with the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Department of Homeland Security, including FEMA Director Mike Brown and Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, listened in on electronic briefings given by his staff in advance of Hurricane Katrina slamming Louisiana and Mississippi--and were advised of the storm’s potential deadly effects.
"Mayfield said the strength of the storm and the potential disaster it could bring were made clear during both the briefings and in formal advisories, which warned of a storm surge capable of overtopping levees in New Orleans and winds strong enough to blow out windows of high-rise buildings," the paper reported. "He said the briefings included information on expected wind speed, storm surge, rainfall and the potential for tornados to accompany the storm as it came ashore. "We were briefing them way before landfall," Mayfield said. "It’s not like this was a surprise. We had in the advisories that the levee could be topped."
D) An incomplete list of aid turned away by Bush and Fema to the Democratic areas of Louisiana:
- won't accept Amtrak's help in evacuations
- turns away experienced firefighters
- turns back Wal-Mart supply trucks filled with desperately needed water and food
- prevents Coast Guard from delivering diesel fuel
- won't let Red Cross deliver food or water to New Orleans or Louisiana parrishes
- bars morticians from entering New Orleans
- blocks 500-boat citizen flotilla from delivering aid and searching for survivors.
- tells volunteer air boat searchers they have to pay for their own gas: $500 to 700 a day.
-gives no orders to Navy ship Baataan awaiting to assist parked in Gulf with 600-bed hospital on board and
capability of supplying 100,000 gallons of water p/day.
-Chicago has a convoy of trucks loaded with aid. Told to send just one truck
-FEMA turns away generators
-Canadian Red Cross from Vancouver BC whose planes were blocked by FEMA from entering the U.S. to aid New Orleans
-Aid offered by every country in the world not accepted.
-FEMA: "First Responders Urged Not To Respond"( straight from FEMA's website.)
Dereliction of Duty by Bush & Cheney: No orders were given out in fact until the President returned from his cake eating, guitar strumming, fund raising jaunt to California on Thursday evening, 4 days after the hurricane hit.
I sincerely hope that the compilation of information will help you bring this to the Judiciary Committee and every member of congress for the impeachment of Bush and Cheney and the entire mis-administration .
Very truly yours,